Generate a free custom build plan for your app idea in seconds with PRD-AI. Create a free account to begin your custom AI app development.
A flexible data labeling tool for all data types. Prepare training data for computer vision, natural language processing, speech, voice, and video models.
Iokoo finds solutions to all your IT needs in the blink of an eye and for only €10/month ! Need human intervention? Order a ticket !
Brainboard is an AI driven platform to visually design, generate terraform code and manage cloud infrastructure, collaboratively.
Headstarter - All-in-one platform to crush coding interviews. Learn how to crack data structures & algorithms with 1:1 AI coding instructors, and land 6-figure offers.
Replit is an AI-powered software development & deployment platform for building, sharing, and shipping software fast.
Build GPTs in Minutes,No Coding Required. Boost the Success of Your GPTs,Insightful Analytics, Robust Action Management, Advanced Data Tools, and Innovative Monetization Solutions!
Generate a boilerplate starter-kit codebase from a single prompt.
An AI-powered search engine to find cool repositories 🚀
GitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.